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RevoU ini termasuk bagus karena emang disitu module dan ilmunya dapet, networking juga dapet
Revou coba nder. Aku ikut mini coursenya aja udah keren apalagi bootcampnya
Gwww alumni revou.. worth it bgt sih klo bagi gw yg switch career dr teknik... ada praktek langsung juga, gk cuman teori.. mau tanya² bisa DM ajahh yaa
Aku revou kak dan semua teammates ku udh kerja. Trs ada alumni tiap kota sering kopdar smpe skg, gw liat2 mrk semua pd gacor bgt kerjaannya. Kayanya tergantung pribadinya mau aktif ngasah lagi sm networking ngga. Krn kalo make benefit networking direvou ga main2 rekomendasinya
Bener² assignment RevoU tuh padet bat, secara gak langsung kita dituntut untuk bekerja cepat karena untuk mengimbangi pressure real case
Aku alumni revou batch agustus-desember 2022. Menurut ku worth it dengan harga yang lumayan. Materi dan pelayanan ngajarnya terstruktur buat ngebantu student ngikutin tiap lecturenya. Tugas-tugasnya juga berguna banget buat portofolio
revou worth the price sih yang fullstack, bener2 diajarin dr awal jd beginner friendly banget, tugasnya jg bisa dijadiin porto karna bukan yg terpaku ke materi tp jg disesuaiin sm kondisi real klo diperusahaan gmna gitu
revou juga ada lohhh yang gratis. durasi 2 minggu & materinya daging bgt
Satu kata untuk kelas Digital Marketing by RevoU ""Asyik"" Meskipun kelasnya gratis dan hanya dua pekan, tapi materi-materi yang dibagikan sangatlah bermanfaat. Semakin bermanfaat, semakin penasaran.
Digital Marketing is a very interesting topic, but it can be difficult to know where to begin. In my story the answer is RevoU, thank you Razi Thalib & Matteo Sutto for inventing this top-tier learning platform.
Tujuannya yah biar insight/wawasan semakin berkembang (Semoga bisa berdampak yah untuk membantu UMKM bersama BukuWarung... Aaaminn yang serius 😊 )... Iya sih butuh extra effort selama 13weeks (+extra cost 😅 ) untuk belajar lagi (Especially for me of course 😂 ), tapi demi self-development anything's possible...
Lecturer tiap minggu yang bener-bener bisa sampein materi super jelas, dengan contoh dari kasus2 yang nyata. Tanya jawab yang insightful bikin capenya kebayar.
Buat saya pribadi, fondasi ilmu, struktur berpikir, bahkan mindset yang saya dapatkan selama berproses di RevoU sedikit banyak membantu saya di pencapaian saat ini.
sebenarnya materinya ada di google semua sih (kalo lo mau ngulik). cuma yang bikin revou ini bermanfaat di gue tuh project-nya. Ilmu yang didapat ‘terpaksa’ diaplikasikan ke tugas. Jadi mau gamau lo harus paham materinya kan. mentornya juga berkualitas.
Revou mini course digital marketing. Bagus banget, dikasih study case, dikasih tugas2, trs bisa ikut fullstack nya juga dengan belajar dulu, bayar belakangan
halo ka, coba ikutan mini course ya revou aja, aku juga ikutan. gratis kokk dan pemaparannya juga jelas bangett. kalo lulus testnya bs dpt sertif dan ada case studynya juga yg bs ditaro buat portofolio kita
Halo juga kak. Sebelumnya aku mau jelasin ya kalo aku bukan data analyst. Kenapa aku bisa rekomendasi revoU? Karena aku pernah ikut mini course data analyst di revoU. Waktu itu mini course gratis dan selama 5 hari. Disini kita dikasih liat gambaran data analyst itu apa aja-
studi independen, aku angkatan 3. seruuuu banget! kemarin SI di RevoU. mentornya baik2 & super helpful pooool. punya banyak temen baruuu yg sampe skrg jd dekettt bangett + nilainya dikonversi 20 sks
Poin plus RevoU buat saya: 1. Jadwalnya sesuai dgn aktivitas saya sehari-hari. 2. Sistem kelas & mentoring yg supportif & mendorong utk aktif. 3. Instructor-nya bkn hny praktisi yg berpengalaman tapi ""bisa dan mau ngajar"" 4. Tugas-tugasnya yang hands on. 5. Networking yg luas.
Kalau saya kebetulan yang cocok RevoU kak. Tapi kan tiap orang beda-beda ya cara belajarnya yang nyaman seperti apa. Sedikit tips, coba trial classnya masing-masing aja kak biar bisa merasakan langsung plus-minusnya. Baru dimantapkan pilih 1 untuk full programnya
Revou ini pantes harga kelasnya agak tinggi dibanding penyedia bootcamp lain ya. Dari sisi kurikulum, assignment, dan channel networking semuanya oke bgt. No wonder mereka masuk di top of mind masyarakat
best experience and best learning system, belajar selama 3 bulan yg sangat berkualitas bgt kurikulum nya, overall RevoU is great
Eventually, @revoudotco reached me via ads, and my life has started to change since then. I joined RevoU Digital Marketing mini course to learn from experienced and accomplished fellows like @MonaWiskal @juhniarto
Gw ambil yg 3 bulan full course + 3 bulan project+career support. Kalo di RevoU emg deadline mepet2 sih dan harus mau belajar, enaknya temen2 support buat belajar. instructor juga seru2. Yg paling membantu menurut gw sih pas di career support ya soalnya gw career switcher
Sumpah ya gue ga nyese ikutan RevoU. Gila! Senin lalu 1 on 1 sama career coach. Hari berikutnya paralel rapiin aset. Hari ini, dapet 4 pesan di linkedin. Padahal gue ga sebar apa pun😭
Sistem belajar di RevoU tuh menyenangkan karena Instructor, Section Manager, sampai Team Leadnya asyik, gak kaku, dan menghibur. Terus seneng bisa ketemu & kenal sama teman-teman baru yang semangat dan antusias belajarnya tinggi banget!!! Sumpah ini tuh energy positifnya jadi nular, percaya deh😁
aku beruntung punya support system dari alumni RevoU. Aku bisa bilang, sampai sekarang RevoU ngasih dampak besar selain materi dan study case yang di berikan, ada para alumni nya yang membantu
25/5/23 karena bisa belajar banyak, kenal banyak temen baru dan ketemu orang yang punya ambisi yg besar. Selain itu juga jadi punya mentor yang bersedia untuk bimbing kita jadi lebih baik. Jujur overall menurutku ikut kelas Revou itu worthit buat temen-temen yang berminat untuk mulai menggeluti dunia digital marketing dan juga bisa kenal banyak relasi dibidang yang sama.
When I started this course, I had no idea what to expect. I was nervous, excited, and a little bit scared. But as soon as I got started, I knew that it was a good decision. The content was challenging, but engaging, and I found myself learning new things every day.
A good teamwork, insightful lectures and endless guidance from the greatest instructors, Section Manager also Team Leader who never stop supporting and assisting for good. This journey of switch career is never been too easy and never was, yet strong will and consistent moves are never disappointing. The best is yet to come! Cannot wait to another great experience!
When I first considered this switch, I had numerous doubts and hesitations. After all, my background and degree had no direct correlation with marketing. But then, I discovered Full Stack Digital Marketing course by RevoU, which changed everything for me.
Beberapa orang malah udah balik modal after bootcamp dari sharing project alumni. Gw sendiri alumni RevoU ngerasa ilmunya daging banget, kepake bgt di dunia kerja. Komunitasnya juga asik bisa diajak diskusi jadi makin expert rasanya.
Ada harga ada kualitas sih nder. Yang diincer selain materi itu koneksinya nanti after bootcamp. Di RevoU alhamdulillah koneksinya orang2 yang ga pelit ilmu padahal ilmunya segunung. Enak diajak diskusi dan kalau niat 16jt ini bakal kebayar sebelum 1 tahun loh...
Tapi worth it banget emang mentornya di revou, gak kaleng2 sih. Kelasnya fun jugaa jadi gak boring dan bikin student pada ambis buat kerjain tugas. Based on my own experience.
Sudah lama saya ingin menuliskan khusus untuk kak Indah Syafitri Career Coach saya selama pendampingan switch career di RevoU (sebetulnya diterima/tidak di bidang product, sy sudah berinisiatif tetap kelak akan menulis ini), tapi begitu saya berterima kasihnya, sampai saya kesulitan bagaimana harus menguraikan rasa terima kasih saya dan saya baru berusaha menuliskannya sekarang.
Hallo semuanya!! Saya senang sekali sudah menyelesaikan mini course Digital Marketing di RevoU selama 2 minggu secara daring Pengalaman saya selama menyelesaikan course ini adalah melaksanakan project/kuis pada akhir sesi pertemuan dengan hasil rapor yg cukup memuaskan Ilmu yg sangat bermanfaat ini dapat membantu saya sebagai Marketing enthusiast senang bisa belajar bersama RevoU 🤍🥰
"Oleh-oleh skill dan knowledge dari mini course RevoU isinya full daging 🥩" Itu memang betul adanya. As a self-taught Digital Marketer, butuh banget course seperti ini untuk wadah sharing dan memperdalam ilmu secara teori. Wrapping up, I'd like to thank RevoU team for sharing this "daging" knowledges.
Saya Sangat senang berbagi proyek terbaru saya di bidang analisis data! 📊✨ Selama saya belajar di Revou Tech Academy, saya terlibat dalam proyek yang sangat menarik dan memungkinkan saya menerapkan teknik analisis data terkini. 🚀 Mulai dari cleaning data hingga menyajikan ke stakeholder dalam bentuk dashboard, ini adalah ilmu yang luar biasa bagi saya.
I am deeply thankful for their enlightening session on managerial skills at the RevoU Mini Show. The invaluable insights shared during the event have not only expanded my knowledge but also broadened my perspective on effective management techniques. This experience has reinforced the importance of continuous learning and personal growth. It's through platforms like RevoU that we can stay ahead in our professional journey, gaining essential skills that empower us in the dynamic world of management.
The first week with RevoU Mini Course I learned about digital marketing and copywriting! In this case study, I directly applied the knowledge taught by him in determining the target audience, brand persona, copywriting brief and content captions.
I was given the opportunity to present during a class session of Management Academy facilitated by RevoU, where I gained invaluable insights into what makes a quality team player. This experience reinforced my aim towards effective leadership and fostering a positive team environment. Leadership is not about just ordering members around but rather about inspiring and empowering others. I am excited to put these obtained knowledge into practice to thrive for productive work environment.
RevoU Mini Course 01 & 02 November 2023 Pembahasan di 2 hari awal bulan November ini bener-bener favorit dan interest aku, yaitu copywriting. Bersama pemateri yang pembawaannya sangat fun dan mudah dimengerti! Materi tentang dasar copywriting dikupas tuntas mulai dari bagaimana strategi menentukan audience yang baik, sampai strategi menentukan headline dan copywriting. Semakin paham materinya karena dibarengi dengan simulasi langsung cara menentukan persona brand dan penggunaan strategi AIDA+C pada copywriting.
Remembering the exhilaration of our first product management project at RevoU. Our mission? Analyze Joox, the popular on-demand music streaming service. We dived deep into understanding its current conditions, identifying areas for improvement, clarifying our motivations, and strategizing the best implementation methods. One thing that became crystal clear on this journey is that collaboration is the lifeblood of any project. The diverse perspectives and skills of our team members were our greatest assets. Effective communication, especially with multiple contributors, made all the difference in our success. Now, as I implement these lessons in the real world, I've come to realize that product management is an endlessly fascinating, ever-evolving field. The learning never stops.
Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun✨ Dapet banyak banget ilmu dan insight baru dari ka Yudystira Pradana 🙌🏻 2 hari isinya daging semuaa!!! suka banget sama open discussionnya jadi mimin-mimin sosmed pada tau juga keresahan masing-masing😅 Analisis insight sosmed seeee-penting itu ya gengs ternyata!!! Bukan cuma bikin konten - post - tinggalin - repeat RevoU x Kemenkes RI was a lit🔥
Insightful and fun last weekend at the CXRC 2023 RevoU alumni session. Meet people who are open to their various knowledge and experiences. Spending hours learning new things and updating information is a good step to continue developing yourself. This mindset is one application of the Growth Mindset in learning. Always try to broaden his horizons, both in skills and knowledge and be open to new ideas and perspectives from other people. #revou #community #sharingsession #growthmindset
👀 Today, I had the privilege of participating in an engaging sharing session from RevoU Chapter Bandung. The session revolved around "Belajar Bangun Bisnis Agency : Acting Like Partner or Expert?", and I couldn't be more inspired by the knowledge and insights shared. Speaker for today session is The Founder and CEO of Clycks Digital, Mr. Dheny Rafliandhys. I'm trully impressed by his expertise and passion for running a digital agency business. Words that trully resonated with me from this session is "If we value our client, then they will value us back". These sharing sessions are a great reminder of the importance of continuous learning and networking for me. A big thank you to Mr. Abdullah Mansyur & Ms. Widia Mulyati and also the entire team for putting together this fantastic event! Can't wait for another event in the future! 🚀
I had the privilege of participating in the "Strategies for Managing Former Coworkers" seminar, and I wanted to share some of the key takeaways and insights I gained from the experience. The seminar provided a deep dive into the complexities of working with and managing former colleagues. Here are a few highlights: What truly set this seminar apart were the real-world case studies and examples. They brought the content to life, illustrating how the strategies discussed can be applied in a variety of professional settings. This seminar was a fantastic opportunity to enhance my leadership and management skills.
Nice sharing today from RevoU about how to be a great manager. 1. Gimana kalau ada tim yang bagus performance nya tapi attitude nya kurang bagus? - ajak bicara, masih tidak bisa berubah lalu kasih SP 2. Perlu atasan atau bawahan yang menyesuaikan diri? - bawahan 3. Bagaimana menjalin hubungan atasan-bawahan? - salah satunya dengan jaga image, memang perlu jarak sedikit mau tidak mau
I'm excited to reflect on my incredible learning journey into the world of analyzing use cases within the financial industry, and today, I want to express my deep gratitude to the RevoU for their unwavering support. Over a few weeks, I've explored financial terms and perspectives to address the problem statement of Credit Risk in Banking. Along this path, I reached a significant milestone: the development of my analysis, definition of the problem statement, and understanding the banking industry, incorporating MECE methodology, root cause analysis, hypothesis creation, and metric definition. As I continue to explore the use cases of the financial industry, I look forward to sharing more insights and discoveries with my LinkedIn network. Your feedback, connections, and discussions are invaluable to me. Thank you all for your continued encouragement, and here's to more in-depth analysis and insights within my journey.
Positive community, positive impact! As soon as I stepped into the building where the CXRC event was held, I glanced around and got a bit lost in the crowd since there were so many people around. Even some of them had traveled a long way to Jakarta. Respect! It was cool to see how we could just chill together, share stories, and snap some hilarious photos. After all, we'd only been communicating online for months, and now we finally got to meet in person! Being part of the RevoU Community means being part of a RevoU family. It gives me a chance to meet and connect with like-minded individuals, who share a passion for growth and self-improvement. This is the room for networking, mentorship, and collaboration! If you're on the hunt for a crew that'll help you chase your dreams, RevoU is where it's at! Your journey to becoming the best of you is just around the corner! 🚀🌟
Yesterday was fun! Meet my Tangs People (RevoU Alumnies domicile in Tangerang, Banten) We usually meet at Badminton Hall but now in Soehana Hall, SCBD - Jakarta to join RevoU CXRC 2023 : The Reunion.
I'm deeply grateful for the trust and the opportunity to join PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk as part of the Product Team. It's a chance to put into practice the valuable experience I gained while working closely with my previous PMs. Transitioning from project management to product management has been a mind-blowing journey. I'm excited about the possibilities it offers and how it aligns with my career aspirations. I'm also thrilled to have had the opportunity to dive deep into the world of Product Management through expert training at RevoU. This experience has enriched my understanding of Product Management, including all aspects of product iterations, end-to-end.
Excited to share that I recently completed the Full Stack Digital Marketing course with RevoU ! The curriculum was very well-structured, and the learning curve was steep, making it easier for me to grasp the essence of digital marketing.
Berawal dari iseng-iseng.. cari kesibukan diwaktu luang yang bisa menambah wawasan, pengalaman dan relasi sampai akhirnya mutusin untuk join di Mini Course RevoU tentang Digital Marketing. Awalnya aku kira karena gratis yaudahlah yaaa ga ada ekspektasi yang gimana gimana, tapiiii ternyataaa mentornya keren", materinya juga lumayan lengkap dan pembahasannya sangat ringan sehingga mudah dipahami, plusnya lagi kita akan ketemu temen" sepembelajaran yang lagi sama" bersemangat mau belajar jadi makin positif deh vibesnya.
Berawal dari ketertarikan dan ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Digital Marketing, saya mulai mencari kursus gratis ini melalui Linkedin oleh RevoU Mulai mencari review tentang RevoU, ternyata menarik & reviewnya bagus. Senang sekali karena RevoU ternyata punya Mini Course gratis, tanpa pikir panjang saya langsung mendaftar & mengikuti Mini Course tersebut. Setelah mengikuti Mini Course ini saya sangat senang, karena saya dibimbing oleh instruktur yang profesional dan ahli di bidangnya dan penjelasannya juga mudah dipahami oleh pemula dan materinya cukup lengkap.
Saya super enjoy dan senang karena mendapatkan banyak ilmu baru yang saya yakin akan sangat berguna dalam pekerjaan saya untuk mengolah data Yang membuat saya dapat menyelesaikan ini semua adalah kembali ke niat awal Ingin menguasai Data Analytics yang nantinya bisa dipakai dipekerjaan sebagai abdi negara sehingga berguna untuk masyarakat luas di Indonesia!
Learning Data Analytics with RevoU Sebagai lulusan Teknik Mesin, belajar DA merupakan hal yang sangat baru bagi saya, cleaning data dengan python dan membuat Data Visualization dengan python/GDS sangat menantang bagi saya yang merupakan Mechanical Engineer. Tapi semua itu demi pengembangan diri agar tidak tertinggal jaman dan stuck ditempat yang sama, so never back down never give up!
ya allah makasih revou, gua jadi bisa kegambar ngeset ads di instagram gimana. terutama nentuin target audience, materi yg gagal gw pahamin mulu
ya allah makasih revou, gua jadi bisa kegambar ngeset ads di instagram gimana. terutama nentuin target audience, materi yg gagal gw pahamin mulu