Learning new skills is essential for you to grow in your career and for businesses to keep up. That's why it's important to do your research and pick the right courses that help you and your company stay up-to-date in the digital era.
Currently, RevoU offers 6 programs, which you can explore here:
Here are some extra tips to help you find the program that suits you best:
From RevoU Course, you’ll get these key benefits:
To secure your Manager’s and Company's approval, you can use this reimbursement template that you can personalize and email right away!
Subject: Request for Funding to Attend [insert program name] Class at RevoU
Good afternoon Mr./Mrs. [Your Manager’s Name],
I hope you are doing well!
In this email, I would like to inform you that I have recently been accepted into the Full-Stack [Program Name] program at a boot camp named RevoU.
I am interested in participating in this RevoU program to further enhance my skills as a [Your Current Role] and contribute more effectively to our company.
Through this email, I am seeking approval to have this expense reimbursed by [Your Company’s Name].To provide Mr./Mrs. [Your Manager’s Name] a better understanding of this program, I have compiled some key highlights below:
Price: [Choose according to your selected program]
For a 3-month learning duration, the cost is 13 million [for Digital Marketing/Product Management] / 17 million [for Data Analytics].
For a 6-month learning duration, the cost is 20 million [for Software Engineering].
For a 2.5-month learning duration, the cost is 9.8 million [for Leaders Academy].
Course Content and Skills Learned:
Here is the syllabus for the Full-Stack [Program Name] program that I will be taking at RevoU [Insert Syllabus Link Here].
Each week will feature different material, taught directly by practitioners from well-known companies in Southeast Asia. You can see RevoU instructors here.
Learning Schedule:
Classes are held every Monday-Thursday and Saturday for 3 months, all conducted from 7-9 PM, so they do not interfere with work hours.
In addition to the above points, another benefit of participating in this RevoU program is the opportunity to expand our network with professionals from other companies, potentially serving as a valuable resource for our team to learn and exchange ideas.
Therefore, I would like to inquire if it is possible for [Your Company’s Name] to finance the [Program Name] class at RevoU?
I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
Subject: Permohonan Pembiayaan untuk Ikut Kelas [Nama Program] di RevoU
Selamat siang Pak/Bu [Nama Manager Kamu],
Semoga sehat-sehat selalu ya!
Di email ini saya mau menyampaikan kalau saya baru saja diterima di program Full-Stack [Nama Program] di salah satu bootcamp bernama RevoU.
Saya tertarik mengikuti program RevoU ini agar saya bisa terus meningkatkan skills saya sebagai [Role Kamu] agar terus bisa berkontribusi untuk [Nama Perusahaan].
Lewat email ini, saya ingin mengajukan proposal agar [Nama Perusahaan] bisa membiayai program peningkatan skills saya di RevoU.
Agar Pak/Bu [Nama Manager] bisa mengetahui program ini dengan lebih dalam, saya buatkan beberapa informasi penting di bawah ini:
Price: [Pilih sesuai dengan program pilihanmu]
Untuk durasi belajar 3 bulan, harganya adalah 13 juta [untuk Digital Marketing/Tech Sales/Product Management] / 17 juta [untuk Data Analytics]
Untuk durasi belajar 6 bulan, harganya adalah 20 juta [untuk Software Engineering]
Untuk durasi belajar 2,5 bulan, harganya adalah 9,8 juta [untuk Leaders Academy]
Materi dan skills yang dipelajari:
Berikut adalah silabus untuk program Full-Stack [Nama Program] yang akan saya ambil di RevoU. [Sertakan link silabus program yang kamu ikuti]
Setiap minggu akan diisi dengan materi berbeda dan diajar langsung oleh praktisi dari perusahaan ternama di Asia Tenggara. Instructors RevoU bisa dilihat di sini.
Jadwal Belajar:
Kelasnya diadakan setiap hari Senin-Kamis dan Sabtu selama 3 bulan. Semuanya dilakukan dari jam 7-9 malam, jadi tidak mengganggu jam kerja sama sekali.
Selain hal-hal yang saya paparkan di atas, manfaat lain dari mengikuti program RevoU ini adalah kita bisa memperluas koneksi kita dengan profesional yang ada di perusahaan lain dan bisa jadi tempat untuk tim kita belajar dan bertukar pikiran dengan mereka.
Jadi saya ingin bertanya ke Bapak/Ibu, kira-kira apakah memungkinkan untuk [Nama Perusahaan] untuk membiayai kelas [Nama Program] dari RevoU? Demikian email ini saya sampaikan.
Saya tunggu kabar baiknya.
Just enrolled in a course? Awesome! You'll get an invoice for your course fee. You can forward the invoice to your team for reimbursement. Need to add some details to the invoice, like your company's name or address? No problem! Please reach out to admissions@revou.co, and we'll sort it out for you.
Once you've nailed the course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion. It will have your name, the details of the course, and RevoU’s logo on it.
Want to see what it looks like? Here’s an example: